Wholesale/Bulk Tzitzit – Traditional styles


Wholesale/Bulk Traditiona Tzitzit styles
select the qty and discount you would like to purchase enter the total qty of sets into your cart. and the system will figure your discount accordingly . add comments if you are breaking your sets up to mix or match

Price listed is is for one set at the discounted price.. for example:if you are ordering 24 sets of 4 in each set.. add 24 as your quantity ordered to your cart
then select the style you want to order.. mix or match.

regular Price for one set is $24.14


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SKU: tzitzit-traditional-bulk Category:


Wholesale/Bulk Traditiona Tzitzit styles
select the qty and discount you would like to purchase enter the total qty of sets into your cart. and the system will figure your discount accordingly . add comments if you are breaking your sets up to mix or match

Price listed is is for one set at the discounted price.. for example:if you are ordering 24 sets of 4 in each set.. add 24 as your quantity ordered to your cart
then select the style you want to order.. mix or match.


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs


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